You and your friends were staying in Nick's basement for 2012. The nukes dropped, and now your some of the only people left in town. (the date is now January 1st 2012) 5 of you must now work together to survive.
Nick:Dragonof_life2-Nick was in the national guard and was ordered to defend the bunker and help the surviors. He's cool headded and fair but also realizes the seriousness of the situation. he's also parranoied and is convinced that he will see zombies.
He's wearing ACU's with a vest and has a slung M-4 with ACOG and flashlight. he also has an assult pack and his ruck sack wich is filled with gear. He's thin but muscular with very short dark brown hair and brown eyes. He has a scare on his right check from a battle he was involed with.