The first book of the series. This book is around 10 years before World War 3, when the Pit Fiends were just starting out. At this time their testing was simple and straightforward, and anyone could sign up for testing, though they still lost their memories. This book revolves around 2 patients and their experience in the 1st Pit...
The second book of the series. This book is when World War 3 is starting, and is also about the origin of the Elements and how they came to destroy the first Pit.
The third book in the series. This book is about the start of the Alpha infection that gave people abilities. In fear, the government tried to fix this by killing them, this in turn started the UnHonorable War.
The fourth book in the series. This book is about the Pit Fiends coming back, trying to recreate the Perfect Element in hopes of making more "Elements". A group of kids are now the greatest hopes in destroying the new Pit Leader...
The fifth book in the series. This book focuses around a new group that started brewing in book four, and now feels they have enough power to enslave the planet.