Soooooo... I had a dream this night, and everyone was a pony, MLP FIM Style.the main area seemed to mimic my campus's general layout, and it seemed to mainly take place in the dinning hall.
I remember, I think the main target of the dreams focus was a unicorn pony, possibly. This one had met a few individuals a good time ago and somehow realized that they were undead, though the didn't exactly seem it. In return for keeping this a secret from the general population, this pony gained their loyalty, and kinda had a small army following. They mainly met in that dinning hall and the main char had not been there for a while. Upon returning he found that one of them had gone missing recently. This one was actual quite a bit more intelligent than the rest, as well it had perviously saved this main pony from being stabbed through before.
It also seemed one other knew that these were undead ponies, that visit. This other really didn't care one way or the other, but they liked this individual rather much, which this pony found rather irritating.
Anyway, the main pony was kinda urgent to find this missing undead pony, and was looking around for it. That was about it... Yep... would have thought I'd have a worse dream after listening to the audio recording of 'cupcakes' oh well. Also, the undead ponies didn't exactly look it, there was just some minute detail that was a sign of it... I forget what.